Want to Lose Weight Fast? These Science-Backed Tips Can Help

 While weight loss may not be the solution to all your health problems, it is something that doctors recommend. There are some tips you can use to safely lose weight. For long-term success, a steady weight loss of 1 to 2% per week is recommended


However, many diets that are designed to lose weight can leave you hungry and unsatisfied. They also cut out important food groups, making it difficult to stick with them. These are the main reasons you may find it difficult to adhere to a healthier eating program.


Every person has different needs. Different eating styles and tips might work better for them than others.


It is possible to lose weight with a low-carb diet or a focus on whole food. However, there are some principles that can help you lose weight.


These science-backed tips will help you lose weight. They include healthy eating and choosing the right carbs.


You can reduce your appetite while still feeling full.

Over time, achieve consistent weight loss

You can also improve your metabolic health.

These tips can help you lose weight fast, but they are not sustainable. You will be more likely to lose weight if you focus on your long-term health.


1. Reduce refined carbs
Cutting down on sugar, starches, and carbohydrates is one way to quickly lose weight. You can do this by either following a low-carb eating plan, or by replacing refined carbohydrates with whole grains.


This will reduce your appetite and make you eat fewer calories ( 1Trusted source).


Low carb eating plans will allow you to burn stored fat instead of turning to carbs for energy.


You'll be able to digest complex carbs more slowly if you eat whole grains and calorie surplus. They are also more filling, which will keep you satisfied.

A 2020 study found that older people can lose weight by eating very low-carbohydrate foods ( 2Trusted source).


Research suggests that low-carb diets may help reduce appetite ( 3Trusted source).


The long-term effects and risks of low carb diets are still being studied. Low carb diets can be hard to follow, and may result in yo yo dieting or less success maintaining a healthy weight.


There are potential disadvantages to low carb diets that could lead to you switching to another method. Weight loss can also be achieved by consuming fewer calories and being more consistent over time.


A 2019 study found that a diet that focuses on whole grains is more beneficial than one that focuses on refined carbs.


Consult your doctor to determine the best way to lose weight.


2. Consume protein, fat, as well as vegetables
Try to have a variety of food at every meal. Your meals should contain:

a protein source
fat source

A small amount of complex carbohydrates such as whole grains is okay

Check out this video to see how you can put together your meals.


This low-carb meal plan

this lower calorie meal plan

These 101 low-carb recipes and low-calorie foods are just a few of the healthy recipes.

To maintain your health and to lose weight, eat the recommended protein (5Trusted Source).


There is evidence that adequate protein intake may reduce cardiometabolic risk factors, appetite and body weight ( 6TrustedSource, 7TrustedSource, 8Trusted Source).


The average person needs 56-91 grams of protein per day while the average woman needs 46-75 grams. However, there are many factors that can influence your protein requirements. These guidelines will help you determine how many calories you should eat ( 9Trusted source, 10):


0.8g/kg body weight
For people 65 years and older, 1-1.2g/kg body weight
Athletes should be able to lift 1.4-2g/kg.
A diet high in protein can help reduce snacking and cravings by making you feel satisfied ( 11 ).


These are healthy protein sources:

meat: chicken, beef, pork, and lamb
seafood and fish: salmon and trout, sardines and shrimp

Plant-Based Proteins: Beans, Legumes, Quinoa, Tempeh, and Tofu

Do not be afraid to eat leafy green veggies. These vegetables are full of nutrients and can be eaten in large quantities without consuming a lot of calories or carbs.


All vegetables are healthy and nutrient-rich. However, some vegetables like sweet potatoes, winter squash and potatoes have higher carbohydrate content.

These vegetables are complex carbohydrates as they contain fiber. However, you might want to consider how many of these vegetables you add to your meal.


Get more vegetables
Brussels sprouts
Swiss chard
Healthy fats
Do not be afraid to eat fats.


No matter what type of eating plan you choose, your body still needs healthy oils. Avocado oil , and olive oil are excellent choices to include in your diet. Avocados, nuts, seeds, olives and olive oil are great healthy options.

Butter and coconut oil are not recommended for consumption due to the higher saturated fat content ( 12Trusted Source).


3. Move your body
While exercise is not necessary to lose weight quickly, it can be a great way to do so. There are many benefits to lifting weights.


Lifting weights will help you burn calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing ( 13Trusted Source 14Trusted Source 15, 15Trusted Source ).


Strength training should be done three to four times per week. A trainer might be able to assist you if you are new to lifting heavy weights. Be sure to inform your doctor about any new exercise plans.


You can lose weight and improve your health by doing cardio exercises such as running, walking, biking, cycling or running.


cardio and weightlifting can help you lose weight and provide many other health benefits.


What is the best way to control calories and portion size?
If you choose a low-carb eating plan, it doesn't matter how many calories you consume, as long as your carb intake is low and you eat mainly protein, fat, or low-carb vegetables.


You may be unable to lose weight if you keep track of your calories.

To lose weight, stick to a calorie reduction. You can also use an online calculator like this to calculate your calorie requirements.


Websites and app stores offer easy-to use calorie counters that are free to download. Here is a list with 5 calorie counters.



It is possible to eat too many calories and be more harmful than necessary to lose weight. Your doctor may recommend that you reduce calories in a healthy and sustainable way.



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